Take Heart
Take Heart: Overcoming Loneliness | Erwin Ramos
Pastor Erwin continues our series entitled “Take Heart” with a message entitled “Overcoming Loneliness”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/mar1923
Take Heart: Walking through Sadness | Reggie Roberson
Pastor Reggie continues our series “Take Heart”, with a message entitled “Walking through Sadness”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/mar1223
Take Heart: Walking through Sickness & Injury | David Liauw
David Liauw continues our series “Take Heart” with a message entitled “Walking through Sickness & Injury”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/mar0523
Take Heart: Talking through Grief | Dana Williams
Pastor Dana continues our series “Take Heart” with a message entitled “Talking through Grief”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/feb2623