Exodus: Covenant Presence & Purpose

Exodus: We are Freed, Empowered and Working with God | Dana Williams

Pastor Dana brings us the 9th message of the series on Exodus, Part 3. This message discusses “We are Freed, Empowered and Working with God”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/aug1323

Exodus: Covenant Breached and Renewed | Reggie Roberson

Pastor Reggie brings us the 8th message of the series on Exodus, Part 3. This message discusses “The Covenant Breached and Renewed”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/aug0623

Exodus: Covenant Representative – High Priest | David Liauw

David brings us the 7th message of the series on Exodus, Part 3. This message discusses “Covenant Representative: High Priest”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/jul3023

Exodus: The Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle | Erwin Ramos

Pastor Erwin brings us the 6th message of the series on Exodus, Part 3. This message discusses “The Ark of the Covenant, and the Tabernacle”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/jul2323

Exodus: Covenant Relationship with God | Dana Williams

Pastor Dana brings us the 5th message of the series on Exodus, Part 3. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/jul1623

Exodus: Covenant Presence & Purpose | David Liauw

David brings us the 4th message of the series on Exodus, Part 3. This message discusses “Commandments 5 through 10”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/jul0923

Exodus: Covenant Presence & Purpose | Reggie Roberson – The Sabbath

Pastor Reggie brings us the 3rd message of the series on Exodus, Part 3. This message discusses “Commandment 4, the sabbath”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/jul0223


Exodus: Covenant Presence & Purpose | Erwin Ramos – Commandments 1-3

Pastor Erwin brings us the 2nd message of the series on Exodus, Part 3. This message discusses “Covenant Terms: Commandments 1 thru 3”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/jun2523



Exodus: Covenant Presence & Purpose | Reggie Roberson – Mt. Sinai

Pastor Reggie begins a new series of messages, Exodus Part 3. This series discusses “Covenant Presence & Purpose”. You can access the sermon guide by going to kingspark.org/guide/jun1823



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