Summer Standalone Sermons – 2024

Barren No More | Lynette Lewis

For Mother's Day, we were honored to have Lynette Lewis bring a powerful word on God's faithfulness no matter the circumstances we face

You can access the sermon guide by going to

The Unfair Advantage | Ron Lewis

This Sunday was Celebrate the Nations at King's Park, where we took time to celebrate and pray for all nations of the world. We were also honored to have the founding pastor, Pastor Ron Lewis, speak this Sunday!

You can access the sermon guide by going to

Persisting in the Year of Open Doors | Erwin Ramos

At the beginning of 2024, Pastor Reggie shared a word on “Open Doors in 2024” and today, Pastor Erwin is expanding on that idea, as we look at the power prayer plays in opening those doors.


Listen to our Full Catalog of Sermons Below