The Believer's Generosity
Planned, Proportionate & Plentiful | Reggie Roberson
How have you thanked God for all He has done for you? In this message, Pastor Reggie closes out the series with how the believer’s generosity should be planned, proportionate and plentiful. You can access the sermon guide by going to
Principles of Giving | Reggie Roberson
What causes you to diffuse responsibility when God might be prompting you to action? In this message, we will continue our series on what generosity looks like as a follower of Christ. You can access the sermon guide by going to
Giving is Motivated by the Gospel | Reggie Roberson
What experiences have you had that caused you to overflow with gratitude? Pastor Reggie opens our new series “The Believer's Generosity” with a message about what motivates our generosity. You can access the sermon guide by going to: