Making a difference in our community and around the world.
Our Mission
Help people know God, grow together, discover purpose and make a difference.
House of Mercy Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
House of Mercy Food Pantry & Clothing Closet provides fresh, frozen and canned foods and gently used clothing to individuals and families. We serve our community every Wednesday from 5pm-6pm at King’s Park International Church (1305 Odyssey Drive, Durham).
House of Mercy Food Pantry y Closet de Ropa ofrece alimentos frescos, congelados y enlatados y ropa usada delicadamente a individuos y familias. Servimos a la comunidad trayendo esperanza a aquellos que no tienen para comer o para vestir. Haga clic aquí para leer esta información en Español.
If You Need Help | Si Necesitas Ayuda
Drive through our distribution line on Wednesdays from 5pm-6pm at King’s Park. Stay in your car and we will place your food box in your trunk. Our clothing closet is available from 5pm-6pm as well.
Conduzca a través de nuestra línea de distribución los miércoles de 5pm a 6pm en King’s Park. Quédese en su automóvil y colocaremos su caja de comida en su maletero. Nuestro armario de ropa también está disponible de 5pm-6pm.
The Kings Park Clothing Closet will be open on the second and fourth Thursdays from 5:30-7:00. El armario de ropa de Kings Park estará abierto el segundo y cuarto jueves de 5:30 a 7:00. Register HERE

Ways You Can Help
There are opportunities for volunteers to set up from 3:30pm-4:30pm and to help distribute from 4:45pm-6:15pm. Please join the House of Mercy Life Group if you’d like additional details on signing up to volunteer.
Give Financially
Click here to contribute financially to House of Mercy.
Jordan Lewis Missions

Jordan Lewis Missions has been established to honor the life and legacy of Jordan A. Lewis, a graduate of Oral Roberts University, who fought a valiant battle against cancer and joined his Creator at the age of 23. Jordan’s unflinching, unyielding faith in Christ was apparent to all whom he came in contact with. He served the Lord pure heartedly, modeling Christ in all that he did.
As a college student, Jordan was part of the “Man Team,” a small team of young men who lived among a previously unreached tribe in Tanzania. Jordan was the first to volunteer to share the Gospel with the tribe. Emmanuel, a tribe member, received Christ that day. Jordan was the first to ever share the Gospel with him as well as give him the meaning of his name. Several others followed to receive Christ and a church was formed. A birthing clinic, built by the Man Team that same year, now doubles as a church on the weekends.
The Man Team leader the year Jordan went said, “Jordan was the first person to plant a seed…the forerunner, the person who broke ground.” It is the JLM team’s wish to send more forerunners, to break ground all over the world.
JLM supports teams focused on reaching those who have yet to hear about Jesus. Several works are already in progress. They span the globe and include China, Tanzania, South Asia, Korea, India, Muslim communities and the Bukharin Jewish community in Queens.
JLM Is facilitated by King’s Park International Church in Durham, NC, Jordan’s home church for most of his life until moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Visit to learn more
The Life Center of Durham
The Life Center benefits the lives of children and families living in the Cornwallis Public Housing Community through daily after-school academic programs, teen leadership clubs, and parental guidance programs. King’s Park is committed to strengthen, rebuild and serve this community.
Donations of time, money, or supplies will help these kids become stronger students. Together we can help break the cycle of poverty and change their families for generations.